Seeking Land - Algies Bay, Warkworth

Location: Algies Bay, Warkworth location

Description of Land Seekers and desired land: I'd like to find somewhere to work with the community and develop a sustainable vege garden.

Regions of NZ Interested in: Algies Bay, Warkworth region

Do you have training?: 1st year gardening under my belt, mum to bounce off, internets teaching me lot, done some market gardening courses. Ex labourer and hammerhand

Do you have a business plan?: No but i currently run a business growing and selling microgreens from home.

Farm Project Description: Community garden/farm

Preferred Arrangement : anything that works :)

Duration of Desired Agreement: As long as possible

Production Type: Vegetables and flowers

Land Use Practices: Organic

Cultivable Area (acres): under an acre

Preferred current state of the surface of the cultivable area: anything is possible, can tarp and kill grass the or lay cardboard and compost.

Open to Landowner Residing on Property: yes

Need Farm Building? : Prefer some infrastructure but not essential

Need Fenced Land?: no

Need Farm Machinery and Tools?: No

Need Established Water Source and Infrastructure?: Water is essential!

Anything else you would like to add?: Really keen to get into small scale sustainable agriculture using organic inputs. JADAM style Korean Natural Farming methods of fermented fertilizers.

Get in touch with Rhys at if you have anything you can offer and to find out more