Land, vision and potential shareholding available
Contact Steve (or phone 027 378 1812 - text only) if interested and to find out more.
General Description of Land: We have a collaborative of two parcels of fertile, well watered land (9Ha and 4Ha) in coastal and south Taranaki; with strongly diversified interests including growing high value naturally durable forest species in an eastern hill country property as well (54Ha).
These projects have no debt and a high interest in sustainability in it’s broadest sense involving a collective support base that has functioned now for over thirty years. We continue to look for investors who share our vision as well as individuals or families who can contribute and benefit accordingly. The coastal properties do not allow cats or dogs.
These properties have established a significant timber cropping or shelter based resource that easily lends itself to providing fuel, timber, energy and humus through what has become effectively a massive resource achieved through photosynthesis. We are looking to install a Mackwells steam engine to lend technological credence to the visions we hold of being able to produce naturally durable quality timber; extract natural oils through steam distillation and the potential of community based energy and food systems that edges towards carbon neutrality. We are looking at horizontal insulated hives for our bees to assist pollination in our growing orchards. We would also welcome someone with the knowledge and youth to be able to work or drive our clydesdale horses. Excellent water, soil fertility, climate and local surf and mountain for playing.
Location: Pihama, Opunake, and Te Wera in Taranaki.
Total land size in Acres: 25, 10 and 150 acres
Wooded Area/Cultivable Area: Plenty, good shelter
Expansion Potential (Acres): Plenty
Zoning: Rural
Current Use: mixed farming
Current Practices: organic, has been biodynamic
State of the surface of the cultivable area: grazed or left wild
Description and historical use of land available for farming: Ex - dairy farmed
Road Access: Excellent tarsealed access
Electricity: We have set up individual pv and can advise and assist
Cell Service: Reasonable
Short-term goal or vision for land: diversity and birds rule
Long-term goal or vision for land: diversity and birds rule
Known environmental hazards: Can be exposed to wind
Current residents living on property: One extended family and lots of hangers-on with three investors; one person has grown hemp regularly
Availability of farm buildings: some building work is ongoing
Land is fenced: yes
Availability of farm machinery and tools: Small 26hp kubota with flail mower and chipper
Water Source: community supply and tanks
Water rights to these sources: on demand
On-site Housing available?: work needed
Is there restricted access of visitors: No, but a good work ethic helps
Preferred Agriculture Products: diversified, we farm some cattle for our own food supply and there is hunting on the block at Te Wera
Practices Preferred: Earth care
Soil Details: volcanic soils. The TeWera site has excellent clays for earth building uses, probably pottery
Preferred Arrangement: A vision document outlines the possibilities which include potential 'sweat equity'! A company structure allows a purchase of shares and includes limits to transactional price. The forest is run as a partnership and currently has one share available.
Would you be willing to mentor or advise the entering farmer(s)?: completely
Do you require references from the land seeker(s)?: No, just some online discussion and meeting.
Agreement duration: n/a, it'll sort itself out
Contact Steve (or phone 027 378 1812 - text only) if interested and to find out more.